Dancing Lion Offers Other-Worldly Chocolate Experience

Chocolate is undoubtedly among the most beloved foods among people of all ages. It is also a complex food that can provide a diverse assemblage of favors and sensations. Nobody has a deeper understanding of this idea than the folks at Dancing Lion Chocolate in Manchester, NH.

Physicist turned Master Chocolatier Richard Tango-Lowry opened this one-of-a-kind chocolate shop in 2007. After graduating from Ecole Chocolat, a chocolate school in Vancouver, Canada, Tango-Lowy earned Master Chocolatier designations in Italy and France. He later decided to bring his passion and expertise to Manchester, and his shop has gained an enthusiastic following.

Tango-Lowy sources the products he uses from small, mainly South and Central American companies. He uses these products to make beautiful, artisanal chocolates that are meant to be savored. The chocolate bars and bon bons Tango-Lowy crafts are visually stunning and intricately flavored.

A tantalizing selection of beverages are also available, the most famous being Dancing Lion’s Mayan Drinking Chocolate.

This stunning elixir is inspired by the drinking chocolate produced in Central America thousands of years ago. It is available in two forms: Mayan Heat and Creamy Dark. I am fond of the former, which contains a blend of intense dark chocolate, chili peppers and spices. The drink is frothed and served hot in a gorgeous earthen cup or bowl (seriously, these vessels are almost as pretty as the bon bons themselves).

One sip of this concoction, and you’ll be convinced that this is the best hot chocolate ever curated. In fact, labeling this drink as hot chocolate should be considered a criminal offense; it is far too profound of an item for such pedestrian distinctions. The chocolate flavor is rich and intense, with just enough sugar to cut through the bitterness. The heat of the chiles tickles the back of the throat, but does not overwhelm the palate. The drink as a whole is just incredibly well-balanced. Even the temperature is perfect.

There’s the option to take a cup to-go, and it will still be hauntingly delicious, but there is something about sipping the drink in that wonderful earthenware cup that makes the experience that much more enchanting. Lowy and his team like to ensure that guests who choose to sip at one of the handful of tables feel at ease.

You’ll certainly never look at that chemical-laden package of Swiss Miss the same way again.

Other beverage options include the Lion’s Waltz, which turns the Mayan Drinking Chocolate on its head by using white chocolate blended with maple and ginger. There’s also a selection of loose-leaf teas, local coffee and chocolate expresso, which blends that wonderful drinking chocolate with a double shot. Pastries and cookies are available daily, along with creative lunch specials that incorporate chocolate in unusual ways.

Image Credit: dancinglion.us

Pastries and cookies are available daily, along with creative lunch specials that incorporate chocolate in unusual ways. Additionally, the shop offers homemade croissants one weekend per month. They have gained a cult-like following, so they sell out incredibly quickly. I have never scored one, but doing so is a short-term goal of mine.

If all this chocolate has you feeling inspired, then have no fear. A variety of classes are offered covering topics such as hands-on chocolate work, croissant production and more.

The passion that Tango-Lowy has for his craft is evident when you walk into his shop. Every item sold is completely original and treated with care and precision. A trip to Dancing Lion is essential for any serious chocolate lover.