Khao Tom Mad Tantalizes with its Modesty

Asian restaurants are in a constant state of both high supply and demand. Households nationwide tend to pick one to hold near and dear whenever that random craving strikes, which could happen at any hour of the day. When deciding where we go to meet our need for noodles, convenience and reliability are often key…

This Cheesy Dessert Should be on Everyone’s Bucket List

Few concepts fall victim to procrastination more than the lofty bucket list. We’ve all considered making one, but the thought usually disappears moments after it’s hatched; almost as if we intentionally distracted ourselves so we could avoid picking up the pen or, more likely, opening Microsoft Word, and getting to business. Those of us who…

Milk’s Favorite Cookie Gets All Dressed Up at The Hopknot

As the summer heat begins to take a rain check and folks start tank tops in favor of light sweaters, autumn steadily makes it’s way into New England. With this shift in seasons comes the arrival of a perennial favorite past time, the state fair. Although sometimes referred to as agriculture fairs due to the…

Angelo’s Amore Churns Italian-Inspired Ice Cream in the Newmarket Mills

A summer in New England simply isn’t complete without several trips to a local ice cream shop. Few activities speak more quintessentially of summer than fighting off the heat with a hefty scoop of freshly churned frozen dairy. Nearly every town in the granite state has a parlor that the community holds dear. Toward the…

Vosges Haut-Chocolat Manchego and Cherry Chocolate Bar: Is It Worth Eating?

Chocolate, like so many foods, encompasses a wide range of specimens that vary considerably in quality and price. While there’s nothing wrong with tearing open the iconic dark brown packaging of that Hershey’s milk chocolate bar from time to time, sometimes something a little more special is called for. Wander into almost any conventional supermarket,…